Common Dostinex side effects

Dostinex can induce various types of side effects. Each patient responds differently to the therapy, therefore it is not said that the side effects all appear with equal intensity in each individual. The following are the main adverse effects that may occur following treatment with the drug. The full list of all registered Dostinex side effects can be found here.

Type Of Disorder By Body System Detailed Overview Of Dostinex Side Effects
Psychiatric Disorders Dostinex therapy can cause sleep disturbances, delusions, psychotic disorders, aggression, confusion and hallucinations.
Pathologies Of The Nervous System When taking Dostinex, the appearance of disorders such as dizziness, headache, lightheadedness, hyperkinesia or dyskinesia characterized by uncontrollable muscle movements, loss of coordination and / or balance is very common.
Heart Diseases Furthermore, Dostinex can cause drowsiness and sudden sleep attacks in the absence of warning signs, making it very dangerous to drive vehicles and / or use machinery.
Vascular Diseases Dostinex therapy can cause orthostatic hypotension, ie a sudden drop in blood pressure following the transition from a lying or sitting position to an upright position.
Raynaud Syndrome Dostinex treatment can cause Raynaud’s phenomenon. It is a phenomenon characterized by an excessive spasm of peripheral blood vessels which causes a reduction in blood flow in the affected areas. The phenomenon occurs mostly in the fingers and toes, but can also involve other parts of the body. The skin of the affected areas usually takes on a yellow color that can become cyanotic and, finally – once the blood has been restored – it turns red.
Pleuropolmonary Respiratory Diseases Dostinex can cause pleural effusions and pleuropulmonary fibrosis. Furthermore, Dostinex can cause dyspnea and respiratory failure.
Gastrointestinal Disorders Dostinex therapy can cause disorders such as gastritis, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia (difficulty digesting) and constipation.
Impulse Control Problems Dostinex treatment can cause serious impulse control disorders. These disorders include compulsive shopping or excessive shopping, pathological gambling, increased libido, hypersexuality, bulimia and the uncontrolled urge to eat.
Alteration Of Diagnostic Tests Dostinex can cause a reduction in blood levels of hemoglobin and / or red blood cells. Furthermore, it can cause an increase in blood levels of creatine phosphokinase.
Other Side Effects Other side effects that can occur after taking Dostinex are:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions in sensitive subjects;
  • Skin rash;
  • Alopecia;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Urethral vascular obstruction;
  • Abdominal vascular obstruction;
  • Abdominal pains;
  • Epistaxis;
  • Leg cramps;
  • Asthenia;
  • Peripheral and non-peripheral edema;
  • Fatigue;
  • Hepatic impairment.

Serious Dostinex side effects

To serious side effects of Dostinex pertain heart valve disease and related disorders, e.g. inflammation (pericarditis) or leakage of fluid in the pericardium (pericardial effusion). There can appear one or more of the following preliminary symptoms: difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest or lumbar pain and swelling of the legs. These can be the first signs of a disease called fibrosis, which can affect the lungs, the heart / heart valves or back. If you have any of these symptoms contact doctor immediately.

Who should not take Dostinex?

Do not take Dostinex:

  • If you are allergic to cabergoline or other ergot alkaloids (e.g. Bromocriptine), or to any of the other components of this medicine
  • If you have been diagnosed with problems defined as fibrotic reactions in the past
  • If you are to be treated for a long time with Dostinex and suffer suffered from fibrotic reactions (scar tissue) in the heart.

If you suffer from any of the following health problems, you must inform your doctor before take Dostinex, as this medication may not be suitable for you.

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Gastric ulcer or bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. (This condition may cause the production of black stools or vomit with blood)
  • History of serious mental disorders, particularly psychotic disorders.
  • Impairment of liver or kidney function
  • If you suffer (or have suffered in the past) from psychosis or are at risk of post-natal psychosis
  • Raynaud’s disease (when it is cold, the fingers and toes become bluish, bloodless, cold, numb and numb)
  • Low blood pressure
  • Severe chest disorders (eg chest pain on breathing, presence of fluid in the lungs, inflammation or lung infection)

If you suffer or have suffered from fibrotic reactions (scar tissue) at the level cardiac, pulmonary, or abdominal. Should be treated with Dostinex for a long period of time, before starting the treatment your doctor will check that your heart, lungs and kidneys are in good condition. It will also perform an echocardiogram (an ultrasound test for the heart) before the beginning of the therapy and at regular intervals during the course of treatment. If fibrotic reactions occur, the treatment should be interrupted.

Tell your doctor if you or someone in your family / or caregivers patient notices that they are developing impulses or desires to behave in ways which are unusual for you and you cannot resist the urge or temptation to perform certain activities that could harm you or others. These are called impulse control disorders and may include addictive behaviors from gambling, excessive eating or spending excessively, an abnormal, exaggerated sexual desire or an increase in sexual thoughts or feelings. The doctor can consider it necessary to change or stop the dose.

Infertility is reversible in women taking Dostinex, so it is possible that a pregnancy occurs before the menstrual cycle is regularized. Therefore, if necessary, adequate contraceptive measures must be taken during the treatment.

Dostinex side effects: dose size

Dostinex-induced side effects are generally dose-dependent. This means that there is always room to adjust the dose of the drug, thus helping the patient to adapt and to develop a body response that will be beneficial for health, providing meaningful and measurable improvement in clinical screenings.

The minimal dose of Dostinex is cabergoline 0.25mg which corresponds to ½ of the tablet Dostinex 0.5mg. It is also the minimal increment when increasing the dose over the course of the therapy. It is recommended to introduce any dose adjustments with intervals no less than 2 weeks, and better still, 4 weeks, in order to allow for the drug to produce its effects that can be measured during laboratory tests.

Every adjustment in the dose should be done based on blood panels results and general response of the user towards cabergoline therapy. The dose of the drug that is poorly tolerated can be either stepped down or split into two takings. Always consult your prescriber before introducing any changes to your dosing or posoligical schedule.

How often do side effects happen with Dostinex?

The side effects of Dostinex range from very common (occurring in more than 1 individuals in 10) to those that have never been reported by takers, but are still considered as possible based on the drug’s potential effects. If you experience any side effects, including those not listed in the drug’s leaflet, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Reporting of side effects by users helps provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

What to do if you experience side effects

If with the use of Dostinex you develop symptoms that are not listed as side effects by the manufacturer of the drug, or registered adverse events that are particularly bothersome, intense or persistent, report the side effects to your prescriber. Alternation in your dosage or posology may be required.

How to avoid side effects from Dostinex

Always follow prescriber’s instruction as for the dose and method of administration while taking Dostinex. Before the therapy is appointed to you, tell your prescriber about every health condition, current or past, that might be of importance during the drug administration. Do not take more than one recommended dose of Dostinex. When missing a dose, contact your prescriber and follow their instructions as for restoring the posoligical schedule. Always take Dostinex with meals. Ask your prescriber to adjust the dose if you experience bothersome or persistent side effects.